logging on
need an account?
If you don't have a username and password and need one for this system, click here. Once an administrator approves your request, you will be sent instructions on how to proceed.
request forgotten password
If you have an account and have forgotten your password, use this link from the Logon page. You will be prompted for the email address associated with your account, and instructions will be sent for resetting your password.
player management
changing your personal data
From the Home page, click Basic Info. There you can edit your address and email, as well as change your password and username. Changing your email address does not change your username for logging on to the system.
signing the waiver
The waiver may be signed electronically. From the Home page, choose Registration Status, then click the word 'Sign' in the Waiver row. Read it, and if you agree, check the box, then click the button 'I hereby sign the waiver'.
You can pay using Paypal, or by traditional methods. In most cases, a minimal surcharge is added when paying by Paypal. From the Home page, click payments.
team management
add a player
As a team manager, you will need to add the players on your team to your roster. You must be logged in to do this. Find your team using the Team link at the top of the page, and use the Add Player link in the left column. Enter the person's last or first name and other information if you wish. A list of people who most closely match the information you entered will be shown. If the person you wish to add appears in the list, click their name. If not, either refine your search or add them as a new player. Anyone who has played in the league recently already exists in the database, so please make every attempt to find the user before adding as a new person. Also, the system does not allow duplicate emails, player cards, or players with the same name born on the same date.
drop a player
To drop a player, use the Team page and click the icon, and select 'drop'.
You can see who has been dropped from a team by clicking on the word 'drop' in the legend, and and you can un-drop
recently dropped players from a team you manage if they meet registration requirements.
make someone a team manager
You, as team manager, can designate others to have that role as well. The player must have an email address, as that will
be their initial username. On the team page, click the icon, and select 'make team
manager'. If you need to change that later, use the same procedure to remove them from that role.
Once a team has the minimum number of players added, click the Register button from the Teams page. This will let the administration know that the team is ready to be considered to be registered for the season. Once registration is accepted, each player's registration status can be seen based on the color of the row containing their name. Only registered, non-suspended players are eligible to play.
print the roster for a game
This league requires that a roster, printed from this system, be brought to each game. The roster is available typically 3 days before the game to ensure that only valid players appear on the game roster. Links are available from the Home page, the Games page as well as the Team page. Both teams' rosters for the game will be printed.
copy team to new season
When a new season is available for your current division, a message will appear on the home page next to your team. Click on that to copy your current roster to the next season.
Referee assignments are synced from assignr.com. If a center ref is found that does not have an account in the system, one will be created and they will be notified by email. If a ref did not receive the email, they can can reset their password using the request forgotten password link.
After officiating a match, a center referee will need to use the system to file a game report and any misconduct reports (for red cards). The game report should include the score, comments, and any cards given. A red card will cause a misconduct report to open. Submit the report when you are finished, but be aware that it cannot be changed after that unless an administrator reopens it. If you wish to save it and come back later to submit, use the 'save for later' button. It is not necessary to hit the save button before submitting.
If you accidentally assigned a card to someone, click on the card a second time to make it disappear.