Summer Schedule

Summer Schedule

The first 5 weeks for the summer schedule have been posted.
(The O50 schedule will be posted when teams are finalized.)
The rest of the schedule for all divisions will be posted in early June.

Note: There will no games on July 4th. They will be played in early Aug based on field availability.

champions league

Chapman Tucson Champions League

FC Tucson announced the creation of the Chapman Tucson Champions League (CTCL), a series of matches that involves the major adult leagues in Tucson and Southern Arizona. All matches in the CTCL will be played prior to FC Tucson matches during the 2013 season at the Kino Sports Complex North Grandstand.

The CTCL men’s tournament will feature the league champions from Arizona League, Guanajunto League, Menlo Soccer League and the TMSL playing in a four-team tournament. The first semifinal will be played on May 18th.

For all details, view the following pdf file: CTCL.pdf