Over-50 Schedule
The O50 schedule for the first 3 weeks have been posted.
Over-50 Schedule
The O50 schedule for the first 3 weeks have been posted.
Schedule for First Half of Season
The schedule through Week 9 has been posted.
Week 10 is tentatively scheduled for Jan 5th (depending on field availability).
9/11 TMSL Board Meeting
Board meeting location has been changed to The Shop Screen Printing at 2931 N Campbell.
Fall 2013 Schedule
The first week of the fall season has been posted.
Weeks 2-4 will be posted next week.
Team Packet and Jerseys
No packet pickup night next week.
On the first day of games, Sept 15th, pick up team player cards and jerseys at the field.
Look for a Chapman Automotive tent or go to the Golf Links ramada between the NW and NE fields.
All games for all division will be at Golf Links. The schedule will be out shortly.
Additional Information About the Over-50 Division
For everyone interested in the upcoming O50 season, view the following pdf file: O50 Memo.
Over-50 Division Fall 2013
Registration for the O50 season is upon us.
Games are tentatively scheduled to begin the first week of October and will be played on a specific weeknight (to be determined).
There will be a draft system in place and anyone who is going to be 50 and older in 2013 is eligible to play.
Any interested players who have not previously played in the Over 50 division should contact any of the following to be included in the draft:
Christopher Thomas tiagallc@gmail.com
Homa Karimi homa.karimi@ventana.roche.com
Steve Swain limey60us@yahoo.com
Belayneh Tafesse bt_soccer@yahoo.com
Brad Herbert bherbertrg@hotmail.com
Fall 2013 Team Registration Deadline Is Tue, Aug 27th
For additional registration details, view the following pdf file: Fall 2013 Registration.
Online Player Registration
All players must include an address, phone number, and email on their player info section
PayPal Payments
Payments by PayPal can only be completed after the team roster has been created and the ‘register’ button has been clicked. The text “Registration has been submitted — awaiting confirmation” should be displayed above the team roster after the button is clicked.
For additional registration details, view the following pdf file: Fall 2013 Registration.