Games cancelled for July 15

All Games Cancelled for Tuesday, 7/15

The city has closed the Ochoa fields due to weather causing standing water on the fields.
Games will be rescheduled later in the summer season based on field availability.

O40 O50 Memo

Fall 2014 Over-40 Over-50 Memo

To increase the viability of the O40 and O50 divisions, the age criteria will be temporarily adjusted for the upcoming fall season.
Please see the Fall 2014 O40 O50 Memo for details.

And if you are interested in these divisions, please add your name to the list by submitting a form on the following page: O40/O50 Contact Form

Schedule posted

Summer Schedule Posted

The complete summer schedule has been posted.
D1’s Week 11 fields will be posted in mid-July, assuming TMSL receives an allotment of fields for August.

Packet Pickup Delayed

Player Cards Have Been Distributed

Teams received their player cards last week at their games.
If your team did not receive, please contact TMSL.

Those players who registered individually can pick up their player cards at the TMSL office.

Important dates

Important upcoming dates

5/21 Wed 7pm – Deadline for players to be eligible for first game of summer season.

TBD – Team packet pickup

5/27 Tue – Summer season starts

The summer schedule will be posted by 5/22 Thurs.

Individual registration problem

New Individual Player Registration

If you are having trouble creating an account, please have your team representative add you to their roster with an email address.
If you need additional help, please contact