Memo – Player Registration

Player Registration

With the introduction of on-line registration and the option of presenting to the match referee either a ASSA/TMSL player pass or alternative ID, there is some confusion about what is required and when for a player to play on any given Sunday match.

The TMSL By-laws are very clear.

First, we play by the rules of USSF and ASSA, our National and State affiliation, respectively. These rules require a player pass for every registered player. Although team captains may choose to use the pass or an alternative ID (driver’s license, etc.) on Sunday the rules still require the creation of a player pass credential. This requires every potential player to provide to TMSL a passport quality photograph of himself. Absent a player pass, no player is eligible to play in a TMSL or State sanctioned match. There are NO exceptions.

Second, in order to play on Sunday, the by-laws are clear – see Section V, paragraph 10 “Games – All players must be registered no later than Wednesday in order to play on Sunday”. Stated differently, you cannot register on-line on Friday and play on Sunday. You cannot play on Sunday unless your on-line or paper registration, including a photograph, is completed no later than the Wednesday prior to your desired Sunday match.

No TMSL Board Member, or the State Registrar, has the authority to override the TMSL By-laws.

Player Registration Memo PDF

Field change for 11/24

11/24 Field Changes

Games for Week 6–continued on Nov 24th have been moved to the Rillito Park Race Track fields.
These are the fields inside the race track and not the fields along 1st Ave.
See schedule and field maps link for details.

Packet and jersey pickup

Team Packet and Jerseys

No packet pickup night next week.
On the first day of games, Sept 15th, pick up team player cards and jerseys at the field.
Look for a Chapman Automotive tent or go to the Golf Links ramada between the NW and NE fields.
All games for all division will be at Golf Links. The schedule will be out shortly.